Monday, October 12, 2009

Matthew - My Fearless Son

Just about anything you do, you approach it with no fear...I love it! You obviously get this trait from your Father, because I am usually pretty content in my own safe little bubble. But not you sir! You are a wild man!

Just a couple recent activities.....Diving into a pool at the age of 4 and swimming under water, no problema! Riding sheep bustin out of the gate at the fair, "hey they are soft Daddy, I can do that"! Shooting guns out in the woods with Dad, just as long as you can shoot his 9mm, you're in!

You have some serious LIFE running through those veins and you want to do it ALL! Well, all except be a part of the dolphin show at Sea World in San Diego (only your mother's childhood dream for years!)....ya I won't be letting you live that one down :)

Love you Son,

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Armani - "I love you Mommy"

Every time we say I love you, you always tell us, "I love you Mommy" or "I love you Daddy". You never just say I love you, you always say our names after you say it. I LOVE it! It just sounds so sweet, so meaningful, so personal, so engaged. Thank you for giving me such warm fuzzies :)
I love you Armani.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Armani - "Hey Mommy, Can I tewl you a secwet?"

Lately you have been doing the cutest little thing. Apparently you have a different idea of what a secret is than what it really is :)

"Hey Mommy, Can I tewl you a secwet?" "Yes Armani, what is it?" Then you approach me, get really close to my ear, and then stay there for a few seconds, then back off...without saying a word to me. It is so funny!

You are really big into telling secrets right now, you pretty much ask everyone if you can tell them a secret, and then proceed to say nothing. I think its clear that you have seen movies, a show, or your brother, whispering in another persons ear, and since you can't hear them say anything, you think they aren't saying anything.

I love you Manni!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Matthew - More than a Conqueror

Every night when I say prayers with you and your sister, somewhere along the prayer I pray that you are "More Than A Conqueror"... along with other confessions of course. This morning as I was trying to get myself ready and you and Mani ready, you came up to me, hugged my leg and said, "Mom, I love you More Than A Conquoo!"

After my heart melted...I taught you how to say the word correctly, and then taught you what it meant. :)

I love you son ... more than a conqueror!

Monday, August 31, 2009

Matthew - A Poop Prayer

yesterday afternoon, you had asked me if you could go up stairs and brush your teeth. we had just had lunch and we were all in the living room talking....i said yes and didn't go up with you to help you cuz i recently found out that you could climb up our bathroom counter by yourself.

a few minutes went by and I had'nt heard anything from you, so I went upstairs to see what you were up to ... hoping that our bathroom was still intact and that i wouldn't find toothpaste all over the mirror...i start to tip toe quietly because i can hear you talking...but you are not on the bathroom counter, you are in the "watercloset" sitting on the potty praying to God. I'm not exactly sure how long you were praying, but this is what i heard you say, "And God, thank you for helping me get all of this yucky stuff out of me (long pause)....ok, ok, You can go now God I'm done." And you were saying it in the most sincere way. (Come to find out you were asking Him to leave because it was stinky....Ha!) Then you called for me to help clean you up and I asked, "Matthew, were you praying?" and you said, "yes, and God helped me to get the poop out all by myself, see mom God helped me." and i said, "yes, God helps us when we ask him to, He answers our prayers." and you said, "yes mom, God helps us."

it was sooo sweet and so cute and so sincere! and I was so proud of you for not pooping your pants and putting yourself on that potty all by yourself to get the yucky stuff out, because God (and everyone else) only knows how long we've been working on this milestone with you :)

Love you,